Package deals

Package – Everything included in your stay

We know it can be hard to plan, and that’s why we’re planning for you. Here you will find packages that allow you to completely relax on your mountain holiday, and you don’t have to think about dinner, lunch or the lunch bag for today’s adventures! Press the button below to see which packages are currently available, or scroll down to see current and upcoming packages. Can’t find a package that suits you? Contact us and tell us about your wishes for your holiday and we will solve the rest for you.

Winter in Tärnaby

Eager to spend your winter holiday with us? Why not choose the winter holiday package! In addition to breakfast and free access to the sauna and gym, a 2-course dinner is included each evening.

Book a minimum of 3 days, a maximum of 10


Weekend package

Welcome to a weekend in the mountains. Stay two days with us and enjoy pure relaxation. We help you with adventure destinations and food bags for the day.
On Friday day you’ll have a two-course dinner and on Saturday a 3-course dinner chosen by the chef.

(This package can only be booked on the weekend (Friday – Sunday)

Celebrate your birthday with us!

You arrive at the hotel with a bottle of sparkling wine and a bathrobe waiting in your room. You can enjoy a 2-course dinner in the restaurant and we also fix a small gift for the jubilee! From SEK 800 / person and night – with a favorable price for extra nights!

Winter break at Tärnaby Fjällhotell

Eager to spend your winter holiday with us? Why not choose the winter holiday package! In addition to breakfast and free access to the sauna and gym, a 2-course dinner is included each evening.

Book a minimum of 3 days, a maximum of 10


Celebrate your birthday with us

Celebrate your birthday with us. Welcome package with gift, sparkling wine and a two-course meal in the evening!

Weekend package in the mountains

The beds are made, free access to panoramic sauna, gym and relax. Breakfast and lunch bag, a two-course dinner and a three-course dinner.

Visit us for our next event!

27 Jul

26/7 Kung Bore – Marknadshelgen 26-27/7 Tärnaby

Fredag 26/7 – Kung Bore intar Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Under fredag 26/7 spelar Karl Bore Karlsson, även kallad “Kung Bore” på Tärnaby Fjällhotell. Bore bor på en liten gård i Strycksele vid Vindelälven i Västerbottens inland. Han är en mångsysslare som har musiken i blodet och har spelat sedan sju års ålder. I början var det […]

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29 Feb

NYHET – fysioterapeut på Tärnaby Fjällhotell!

Snart har vi en fysioterapeut för bokningar på Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Rebecca tar emot för behandling torsdagar och fredagar på Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Hon är en legitimerad fysioterapeut som tycker om att vara i naturen och är alltid med på nya utmaningar. Som terapeut har hon ett holistiskt synsätt och jobbar utifrån att allt i kroppen hänger […]

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