Group & Conference

conferences in Tärnaby

Group travel & conferences – in the middle of the mountains

Having a conference with us at Tärnaby Fjällhotell is something very special. To be able to come as a company and together with your colleagues experience our beautiful mountain world is an opportunity to seize! With over 35 hotel rooms, cottages and apartments adjacent to our premises, there is plenty of space for the entire company. With us, you are 99 times out of 100 the only group in our hotel, and you can therefore be sure that we focus on your particular group – so that you can focus on what is important to you!
Let us make suggestions on how we can tailor your stay here. We make sure you get everything you need – Accommodation, food, meeting rooms, activities and more – we are used to most things. We’ve had everything from winter championships to product launches, and your needs are always at the top of our list.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are considering visiting us together with the company, the sports team or maybe just a large group of people? 





We have the opportunity to offer a large number of different activities for your group. Of course, the fact that we have the mountain right in the backyard makes a lot possible. If you want to start the morning with breakfast at the hotel, take a helicopter to the national border for a few turns and end with dinner here – we will solve it. Do you want to be guided up the mountain in the middle of the night to enjoy the starry sky and maybe the northern lights? We’ll solve that too. But don’t worry, if you are not interested in the outdoors, we have something for you! How about an evening with exciting lectures from someone in the village, or maybe some food and wine tasting?


let us give you a suggestion

Are you out of ideas and don’t really know how to convince the job team that a conference in the mountains will be exciting and educational? Tell us how many of you there are, and we will come up with a plan, activities, team building and also some conference content if you so wish. A tailor-made stay with us will give you memories for life and strengthen your group together.

Uniqe food experiences




Eating food with us is a dining experience beyond the ordinary. Our chef updates our menu according to the season and draws inspiration from the latest food trends but above all also from the mountain world. The raw materials we use are often self-picked or purchased from local producers. There is an idea behind each dish, and even if you recognize the meat used, you will be pleasantly surprised by the cooking method or the unique flavor combinations that are added. Let us put together the perfect taste experience for you and your colleagues. We can arrange everything from buffets to six-course dinners along with suitable drinks.


sports teams & school classes

With Ingemar Stenmark and Anja Persson, Tärnaby is not only a well-known ski resort but also a ski resort filled with competitions, events and a lot of skiing. We often have ski groups, sports teams and other large groups who live and eat with us – and we think that’s awesome! For accommodation we have both hotel rooms but also apartments and cottages. Åkerlundska gården can accommodate up to 30 people, which is often suitable for the school class or sports team. Contact us well in advance of an upcoming event on the slopes as it is often fully booked months in advance. Welcome!

visit us during our next ecent!

26 Jul

26/7 Kung Bore – Marknadshelgen 26-27/7 Tärnaby

Fredag 26/7 – Kung Bore intar Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Under fredag 26/7 spelar Karl Bore Karlsson, även kallad “Kung Bore” på Tärnaby Fjällhotell. Bore bor på en liten gård i Strycksele vid Vindelälven i Västerbottens inland. Han är en mångsysslare som har musiken i blodet och har spelat sedan sju års ålder. I början var det […]

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29 Feb

NYHET – fysioterapeut på Tärnaby Fjällhotell!

Snart har vi en fysioterapeut för bokningar på Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Rebecca tar emot för behandling torsdagar och fredagar på Tärnaby Fjällhotell! Hon är en legitimerad fysioterapeut som tycker om att vara i naturen och är alltid med på nya utmaningar. Som terapeut har hon ett holistiskt synsätt och jobbar utifrån att allt i kroppen hänger […]

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